Union Sozialer Einrichtungen gemeinnützige GmbH
Koloniestraße 133-136
13359 Berlin
Telefon: (0)30 / 497 784 -0
Fax: (0)30 / 493 97 98
E-Mail: mail(at)u-s-e.org
Website: www.u-s-e.org
Dipl. Kaufm. Andreas Sperlich
Dr. Martin Kaufmann
Stiftung Unionhilfswerk Berlin
Unionhilfswerk Landesverband Berlin e.V.
Registration Court:
Berlin Charlottenburg District Court
Registration number:
HRB 57560
VAT identification number according to § 27a Value Added Tax Act:
Responsible for the content according to § 6 MDStV:
Dipl. Psychologist Manja Metz
Björn Behrendt (Union sozialer Einrichtungen gGmbH)
Legal notice:
Notice according to § 36 i.V.m. § 37 Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG):
The responsible consumer arbitration board is the General Consumer Arbitration Board of the Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V. in 77694 Kehl. We are not obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings.